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NAME OF ACTIVITY: Steal the Treasure


EQUIPMENT: 1 hula-hoop per 4 or 5 students, 4-5 beanbags (or any items) per hula-hoop

HIGHLIGHTS: Aerobic activity, safety in large group running, teamwork and cooperation

INSTRUCTIONS: spread the hoops out over the play area.  Assign a group of students to each hoop (treasure chest). On the given signal student will run and try to take the treasure from other players treasure chests and return it to their own.  This continues for a predetermined amount of time.  At the end of the allotted time the bean bags ( gold nuggets ) are counted, the team with the most nuggets wins. Following are the rules of the game.
     -  Students may steal only 1 item at a time
     -  Students must return the item themselves, to their treasure chest (no throwing or handing off).
     -  Students may not steal from the same hoop twice in a row.
     -  You may NOT guard you treasure
In short, you win by stealing treasure from the opposing teams faster than they can steal from your team.

VARIATION - students may take two bean bags at a time as long as they are from two different treasure chests.

HELPFUL HINTS: Emphasize safety is this game.  Remind students to alwayes look in the direction that they are running.


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