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NAME OF ACTIVITY:  Free Day; Anything Goes

GRADE LEVEL:  Grades k-12

EQUIPMENT NEEDED:  As much equipment as you deem safe and necessary.

HIGHLIGHTS:  About everything that you can think of including, upper body strength, wrestling skills, pull-ups, pegboard, throwing, shooting, decision making skills, tennis skills, etc.       

INSTRUCTIONS:  Free day is rewarded to my classes upon earning a particular number of stars during our physical education classes, or by gaining points during the equipment drive.  Basically, on free day, the students nominate games that they would like to vote upon and the elected game will be played by all students.  Once students have finished nominating games, I will have them close their eyes and vote, by show of hands, for the game they wish to play.  Each student may vote one time and one time only during this process.  The following is what I do if anything goes is their choice.

     Anything goes is exactly as it sounds.  Students may play any game or activity that I feel can be played safely.  Students may move from any activity to another at any time during the class.  Some of the activities that I allow are as follows:  Basketball, Pegboard, Tetherball, Wrestling (with my supervision only), Scooters, Hockey, jump rope, hula hoops, any type of soft throwable and sometimes tennis, as well as any other activities that the students may wish to play, as long as it is safe and feasible.

HELPFUL HINTS:  Make sure that students are putting away equipment that they are finished using.  Students must put away their equipment before they can get any new equipment out of the closet.

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