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NAME OF ACTIVITY:  Tightrope Walk


EQUIPMENT: 3 or more two by 4's, various lengths as described.  Multiple bases as described, poles, posts or standards.

HIGHLIGHTS: Cooperation, teamwork, strategy, communication, balance

INSTRUCTIONS: This game is based off of a camp game that I played several years ago.  The object of the game is to get your ENTIRE team from one object to another using only the balance beams.  For this game, I use the 2x4 on the narrow sides.  I will stretch the boards end to end, but I add angles to allow balance/rest points for the players.  The angles can be adjusted to match the level of the participants.  I also add standards or poles to allow for more balance/rest points for younger students.
     1,  Students are not allowed to touch the ground.
     2.  If a student touches the ground, the entire group must start again.
     3.  Players may not step on the supports or off the boards.


HELPFUL HINTS:  This game is very versatile, you can have just the player who touches start again, but I like having everyone start again, so those who hurry through learn that they need to find a way to help other get through (TEAM).  Add more angles or more standards to make the game easier. 
     I have used this game inside and out.  I used it outside near my tetherball poles, and I have used it inside with my portable standards.


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