Standard 1
begin to develop fundamental movements and basic body management
competence. They observe, practice,
demonstrate, and compare fundamental movements while learning to control their
bodies in relation to other individuals and independent objects.
K.1.1 Perform locomotor (traveling actions) and
non-locomotor (movement in place) skills at a beginning level.
Example: Walk, run, hop,
jump, skip, leap, gallop, slide, swing, sway, bend, stretch, and twist with
variation in speed, direction, force, shape, and level in general and personal space.
K.1.2 Perform stability (balance) skills alone
and/or with a partner.
Example: Transfer weight so
as to perform rocking, rolling, flight, and step-like actions. Balance on a
beam or performs simple stunts and tumbling skills like the stork stand or log roll.
K.1.3 Manipulate objects (throw, catch, strike,
swing, push, pull) at a basic level.
Example: Throws an object with an overhand/underhand
motion using various speeds, levels, and directions. Jumps rope.
K.1.4 Perform basic rhythmic skills alone and
with a partner.
Example: Perform exercises
or simple dances to music or to teacher/student produced rhythmical sounds.
K.2.2 Identify concepts used in specific movement situations.
Example: Describe how to soften a landing by bending their knees.
K.2.3 Identify and demonstrate characteristics of developmentally appropriate locomotor (traveling actions), non-locomotor (movement in place), and manipulative (throw, catch, strike, swing, push, pull) skills.
Example: When playing a simple game, the child can tell why some students are faster, more accurate, or more successful.
Standard 3
a physically active lifestyle.
maintain an active level of participation in physical education class and in
activities outside of class.
K.3.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous
physical activity during and after school.
Example: Participate fully in physical education class activities, and in unstructured play with friends, family, or through organized movement experiences for young children.
K.3.2 Experience satisfaction from regular participation in activity during and after school.
Example: Choose to play favorite games often or attempts new activities willingly.
and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
progress from vigorous and fun activity for short periods of time to longer
periods of time as they begin to achieve and maintain a health enhancing level
of physical fitness.
K.4.1 Set goals for an age appropriate level of health-related fitness (healthy lifestyle).
Example: Students determine that one of his/her fitness goals is to be able to run 10 laps around the gymnasium without walking.
Standard 5
responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
behave appropriately, follow rules and directions, practice safety, and work
cooperatively with others.
K.5.1 Demonstrate an understanding of rules, regulations, and safety practices.
Example: Follow and is able to verbalize rules in physical education class and on the playground. Use appropriate safety equipment and follow safe practices in class and on the playground. Participate in activities without intentionally colliding into other students or objects.
K.5.2 Work cooperatively with other students regardless of personal differences.
Example: Choose playmate without regard for individual differences and plays easily with other children.
K.5.3 Follow simple directions when first directed.
Example: Respond to teacher’s signals or verbal instructions.
K.5.4 Follow the rules for simple games and activities.
Example: When playing a simple game, the child follows the rules and participate successfully with the group.
Standard 6
understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity
use positive interpersonal skills such as cooperation, sharing, and courtesy.
K.6.1 Demonstrate positive attitudes toward self and others through physical activity.
Example: Play cooperatively with others.
K.6.2 Enjoy participation alone and with others.
Example: Play without interfering with others.
K.6.3 Treat playmates with respect.
Example: Choose a variety of partners without arguing. Offer support and/or assistance to classmates.
K.6.4 Resolve conflicts in socially accepted ways.
Example: Is able to decide who goes first during play. Recognize appropriate penalties for rules infractions.
Standard 7
that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self
expression, and social interaction.
seek out and enjoy challenging new activities and participate in favorite
K.7.1 Exhibit self-confidence and enjoyment when participating in movement experiences.
Example: Attempt new activities after being introduced to the activities.
K.7.2 Express feelings about participation in physical activity when asked.
Example: Share positive and negative feelings about participation.
K.7.3 Attempt new skills and demonstrate a determination to develop skills through ` repetitive practice.
Example: Participate willingly in skill drills involving repetitive movements.