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Game Safety - The games listed on this site have been collected and compiled, via a variety of sources, by Doug Gates and MrGym.com.  Please understand that while many of these games have been  personally tested, each game or activity has a potential for injury.  Please be responsible:
     - Make sure games are age appropriate.
     - Make sure all equipment is safe for the activity.
MrGym.com, it's owners and/or affiliates, are not and will not be held responsible for any injuries sustained while playing the games listed on this site or affiliated sites.  Please be careful and take all precautions to insure the safety of your group.

Games - The games listed on this site have been collected and compiled, via a variety of sources, by Doug Gates and MrGym.com.  Finding the origin of each game listed would be nearly impossible.  With this in mind, I would like it to be known that the listing of these games is in no way an attempt to plagiarize from any other author, book, web site, or source.  Many of these games  listed have been submitted from other educators, therefore I cannot be responsible for the origin of each game and activity on MrGym.com.  However, if you feel that a game or activity, published on this site, is an infringement on your copyright, please let me know and I will remove it immediately. 

Advertisers/Partners- We here at MrGym.com take every precaution to try to insure respectable, quality advertisers.  However, MrGym.com, It's owners or affiliates cannot and will not be held responsible for information or content of any site listed on MrGym.com.  If you feel that one of our advertising or affiliate sites contains material not appropriate for  MrGym.com, education, teachers or students, please feel free to contact us and your concern will be addressed.